A lot of finance consists of very educated people being shocked when something that’s consistently happened for hundreds of years happens again. – Morgan Housel Leading up to 2022, there had been 26 bear markets… Read More
Mapping Out Your Retirement Cash Flow Strategy Part One: Investments and Savings
Many retirees face a mental roadblock when it comes to entering the “decumulation” phase of life. They’ve spent so many years building a comfortable nest egg, and the idea of saving is deeply ingrained in… Read More
Is There a Role for Real Estate in Your Retirement Financial Plan?
The best retirement financial plans don’t rely on just one source of income. Instead, they feature a variety of different income sources, such as personal savings via an IRA, 401(k) or 403(b) plan; Social Security… Read More
Four Factors to Consider Before Deciding to Retire Early
While the employment situation has brightened somewhat since the unemployment rate nearly hit 15% in April, it’s still considerably worse than it was before the coronavirus pandemic hit. And things could be about to get… Read More
Designing Your Retirement Paycheck & Decreasing Your Stress
Not receiving a salary can be one of the most daunting transitions to make in retiring. Here’s how you can design your own retirement paycheck and reduce your stress.
Key Retirement Dates You Should Know
Retirement is a process – here are some key dates you should know
Retirement Income Planning
I’ve written about retirement income planning before, and at first glance it should be pretty simple. The idea of figuring out what expenses you’ll have and then lining up your sources of income and funds… Read More
Medigap Insurance: What You Need to Know
If you are planning for retirement, estimating healthcare costs should be part of your plan. In recent posts, I have covered a Vanguard study on retirement healthcare spending, as well as the structure of traditional… Read More
Spending on Healthcare in Retirement: How to Plan for It in Your Budget
If you are planning to retire, budgeting for healthcare should be part of your plans. In fact, when we build plans, we have begun breaking out healthcare costs as a separate category. Doing so allows… Read More
The Thrift Savings Plan vs. 401(k) Plans
The Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP, is the Federal government’s version of a 401(k) plan and if your goal is better understanding the TSP, we have written an overview of the plan . Is the TSP a 401k?… Read More