IRAs remain a great way to set aside funds for retirement, even though most people nowadays have access to a 401(k) or 403(b) retirement savings plan at work. One of the most common questions people… Read More

IRAs remain a great way to set aside funds for retirement, even though most people nowadays have access to a 401(k) or 403(b) retirement savings plan at work. One of the most common questions people… Read More
On the one hand, you have a mortgage and a mortgage payment, and on the other, you have your TSP, which you’ve built up through hard-earned savings over time. Retirement is looming, and the thought… Read More
Regardless of your reason for seeking financial advice, there is almost certainly a financial advisor who can help. Need assistance with retirement planning or investments, or just want to make sure you’re on track financially?… Read More
Property taxes in Atlanta and Decatur have become a real point of contention in recent years. There are other considerations when purchasing a home that I’ve written about here and here, but sharply rising home… Read More
The New Year offers an opportunity to take care of financial housekeeping and making slight adjustments can be necessary given IRS-driven changes. Here is a financial planning checklist to walk through at the beginning of… Read More
A pretty common stereotype when it comes to retirement is the overworked, underpaid worker who would retire immediately and pursue the Island Life if they only could. And while I have worked with some clients… Read More
The IRS not only wants you to pay what you owe but in many instances, they don’t want you to wait until the end of the year to do so. If your primary income is… Read More
The Thrift Savings Plan, or TSP, is the Federal government’s version of a 401(k) plan and if your goal is better understanding the TSP, we have written an overview of the plan . Is the TSP a 401k?… Read More
One of the most controversial aspects of the new tax law is the limitation on the deduction for state and local taxes. The limit was set at $10,000, and as a result, many affluent taxpayers… Read More
Updated January 2020 to reflect the SECURE Act changes Charitable decisions typically aren’t solely driven by a desire for a tax break. Most of us make philanthropic contributions because there are causes or institutions that… Read More