Download Your Sample Financial Plan
We created three sample financial plans to give you an idea of what should typically be included in a plan.
Take the guesswork out of financial planning to ensure that you are making informed decisions
Find answers to the financial issues that you are facing
Understand the format, content, and cost of a typical financial plan
Feel confident in the financial choices you make
Get My Sample Financial Plan
Choose Your Sample Plan
Every plan is unique, but these sample plans provide examples of issues we often cover and how we address those issues.
Our financial plans cover a good deal of information, so reviewing a sample plan first can help prepare you in understanding information in your own plan.
Choose the plan that best fits your current situation in life.
If you don’t see a plan that is at least somewhat reflective of your current situation, let us know.
Example Financial Plan #1
Jack and Julie, a married couple whose kids are grown and financially independent, are planning on retiring in a few years
Jack and Julie believe that they are well situated for retirement, but they would like to understand just how well situated they are, and they have also prioritized survivor planning to confirm that they would both be fine should either pre-decease the other.
Example Financial Plan #2
Sarah, a physician in her late 30’s focused on savings and planning for retirement
Sarah would like to retire in her mid-50’s, although she could put retirement off for a bit if necessary. She is seeking advice on whether or not her retirement goal is realistic, how best to achieve it and how she should invest.
Example Financial Plan #3
David and Susan, a married couple in their late 30’s, both earn high incomes and recently made the decision to adopt twins.
David and Susan have fundamental goals in planning: to adequately fund retirement and to fund education for the children. They want to ensure they are making optimal financial decisions and they would like to have the framework of a plan within which to make those decisions.
These sample financial plans are just that – sample plans and not advice. Without an in-depth understanding of your financial situation, goals, and concerns – which we gather as part of our planning process – we cannot offer financial advice.